Youth Gangs: Are They Out of Control?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Youth Gangs, Are They Out of Control? Our youth is our future. They are the seeds that will one day blossom into the garden of tomorrow. However, before they mature, they will need proper nurturing and tender care. Our youth needs to be loved, educated and disciplined. Unfortunately, society has created numerous unfavorable pitfalls that forces many youths to abandon hopes to lead a normal life and search for salvation in the world of crimes …

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…that gangs will be able to grow and thrive in our society. Youth gangs have gotten out of control due to the many factors mentioned above. As long as these issues remain, the youth gang epidemic will remain unsolved. Despite the grim situation, as long as people are willing to work together to eliminate the problems that weaken the backbone of our society, there can still be hopes for a bright future for our youths.