Your mother ROCKS in bed bitch

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Law School Essay One I began hallucinating early Thursday morning. My team and I were halfway finished with what our instructors dubbed ?The Long Paddle,? and I could feel my sanity slowly slipping away. A combination of severe sleep deprivation and extreme physical exercise can do that to you. I had not had more than three hours of sleep since ?Hellweek? had begun on Sunday afternoon. As I looked around me, I contemplated the extent …

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…and the skills to plan, research, and execute a watertight case. These qualities are vital to law, and can also reap extensive rewards in many other areas of life. I am ready, willing, and prepared to accept the challenges I will face during law school, and look forward to forging a successful career, both as a student and as an attorney. For access to 100 free sample successful admissions essays, visit CollegeGate. Bibliography fuck you bitch