Young Goodman Brown

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the story "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author twists ordinary images in order to show the reader that they should keep their guard up against immoral influences that are in the world around them. This story is an allegory dealing with one's morals. The story takes place in a puritan town in Salem back when they believed in witches. Goodman Brown's grandfather and relatives took part in killing and beating the witches …

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…is talking with voice of temptation and confusion to Goodman Brown. The air and the wind are the voices of the devil tempting to Hawthorne to stop listening to his conscience and come to him. Young Goodman Brown was a well-written short story. Hawthorne made the reader feel as though they were a part of the story by using figurative language. Using the wind and air, the air is to show that something is negative.