Yoga and Emotions

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Yoga and Emotions Hinduism believes that yoga has many different paths to enlightenment. Jnanic, Bhaktic, Karma, and Raja yoga's are the different paths. They are different paths, but the Hindus believes that they all lead to the same destination, which is spiritual freedom. Yoga not only unites our body with our mind but with our true self or spirit. Yoga's goal is to extinguish the fire of emotions within us. I believe that just by …

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…Christ also taught that love is the food of the soul and the only way to heaven. Bhakti yoga also realizes that love is important to achieving enlightenment that's why it is an important part of their teaching. Yoga helps us control our emotions through all their exercises and meditations and by following the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita. Yoga knows that controlling our emotions is what separates us from the other organisms in this world.