Yitzhak Rabin - An Israeli Hero

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
In his life and in his death Yitzhak Rabin was hero. He showed courage and devotion towards the state of Israel and its people. He took a stand against violence, and tried to unite people in peace. His entire life was dedicated to establishing peace. He started as a gruff soldier, and somehow transferred into the dove he used to scorn (Clyde Haberman, A101). "We should not let the land flowing with milk and honey, …

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…the world was ready for peace, and that violence erodes the basis of Israeli democracy. A "martyr for peace" he was called. What made him even more special was that he was that he was a Sambra, a native born Israeli. The first Sambra to be Prime Minister of Israel. He made a huge impact on the world, and on Israel. He was a true hero, and his efforts for peace will never be forgotten.