Yellow Fever

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Yellow Fever Etiologic Agent Yellow fever is caused by an arbovirus, a small virus which belongs to the flavivirus group, which is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. <http://health.> Humans and monkeys are the primary animals to be infected and are both hosts in the transmission cycle. Several different species of the Aedes and Haemogogus mosquitoes transmit this virus. They are found near houses, …

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…Yellow Fever. 2003. Adam Inc. 29 February 2004. <http://health.allrefer. <Tab/>com/health/yellow-fever-info.html> Yellow Fever Disease and Vaccine. 2003. Center for Disease Control. 29 <Tab/>February 2004. <> Yellow Fever Fact Sheet. 2001. World Health Organization. 29 February <Tab/>2004. <Tab/><>