Yearning to breathe free! - how can we unite the world?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE "Hello, my name is Barry. Yes. I have been suffering from racial segregation. Yes. I have been discriminated because of my color, my religion and my beliefs for centuries but now I am in the main stream of American life. And of course other immigrants have been facing the same problems." This is what an average member of any ethnic minority group in any country would tell to you and I …

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…qualifications and work experience which should be recognized and valued and if the borders and if the borders are tight we will be making a shot in to the eye to our economy. So, we shall all agree, as Barry would say, that man's yearning to breathe free has been eternal and nature given, but we should always consider the cost, the cost, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, at which we are going to gain freedom.