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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
When I opened my yearbook, I began to reminisce about my half year of high school in Korea. As I flipped through the pages of the yearbook, a picture of an old man with a benevolent smile caught my eyes. Daydreaming about the incident, my eyesight became hazy, and I felt my hands becoming swollen, which always refreshes my memory of his profound words. His name is Mr. Lee, my high school teacher in Korea. …

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…it is silly to hold grudges in life and that I should instead work to resolve my problems through peaceful solutions. Thanks to Mr. Lee and Chang-Min, I realized the need to forgive. Suddenly, I am awakened from my daydream when a friend yells: "Hey, what are you doing in your room, it's Friday night?" I slowly closed the yearbook and thought about what might have happened to me if I never learned about forgiveness.