Year 11 Economic Analysis of China and Australia, including Economic growth, employment and unemployment, quality of life and role of government.

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Economic Growth. China. China is classed by the World Bank as a lower middle-income country. China's real GDP grew at a rate of 9.1% in 2003, up from 8.0% in 2002, meaning that even economic growth is increasing rapidly in China. China's GDP growth rate is even faster than the US, and has enjoyed some double-digit growth rate since it has opened to economic reform. This rapid growth had brought opportunities and challenges - both for China and for …

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…the Governor-General ·<Tab/>advising the Governor-General as to when Parliament should be dissolved ·<Tab/>setting the date for House of Representatives elections ·<Tab/>allocating positions in the Cabinet ·<Tab/>chairing Cabinet meetings. The Cabinet consists of the most senior ministers of the party, which includes the PM.