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Essay Database > Literature > English
Baseball is an immensely popular American game, known as the "national pastime," played between two teams of nine players each. The basic implements used in the game are a leather-covered ball, wooden bats for hitting the ball, and gloves for catching it. Baseball is played on a large scale in Latin America, Japan, and other places besides the United States, but it is in the United States that it thrives most both as a participant's …

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…Baseball's Elite: An Analysis Derived from Player Statistics, 1893-1987 (1990); Levine, Peter A. G., Spalding and the Rise of Baseball: The Promise of American Sport (1985); Mullarkey, Karen, Baseball in America (1991); Peterson, Robert, Only the Ball Was White (1970; repr. 1985); Reichler, Joseph L., The Baseball Encyclopedia, 6th ed. (1985); Ritter, Lawrence, The Glory of Their Times, enl. ed. (1984); Seymour, Harold, Baseball: The Early Years (1960), Baseball: The Golden Age (1971), and Baseball: The People's Game (1990); Sporting News, Official Baseball Guide (annual).