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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Y2K: Are You Ready? Why is the Y2K problem being overlooked? The Year 2000 is rapidly approaching! Will we be ready in time? Y2K stands for Year 2000 Catastrophe. Y2K seems to be overlooked for a variety of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is because people are not aware that there is a Y2K problem because so few are computer literate. Most of the general public, while being exposed to computers, …

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…Millennium Bug: How to Survive the Coming Chaos. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 1998. Kasler, Dale. "Y2K prophet says doom talk is overrated: The glitches eventually will be over come" Online. The Sacramento Bee 30 Oct. 1998 Available http://www.sacbee.com/news/beetoday/newsroom/biz/103098/biz05.html. Kelly, Jason. Y2K: IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE. Ed. Tammy Delatorre. Los Angeles: Jason Kelly Press, 1998. Martin, Larry. Testimony before Congress. President of Data Dimensions. Staves, Rickey. Personal Interview. 23 March. 1999.