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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Introduction. Xenotransplantation has been recognized as one of the biggest medical advances ever, since it provides a way of donating organs from closely human related species to the patients with failure of vital organs. This is done by genetically engineering human organs in animals, which in itself in a scientific miracle. On the other hand; it has also been seen as cruelty to animals. Advances in science have made transfer of organs a very important …

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…it would be this: Xenotransplantation could be very good for humans, but it is very, very bad for animals. (But lots of things that humans do for themselves are bad for animals, so who's counting?) References: Search engine used to find sites and images: www.google.ca Web sites used for information Eurekalert.com Reviscon.com Xenodiaries.com Uncaged.com BBC.com Web sites used for images Graphicwitness.com www.reviscon.com www.ul.ie