X marks the spot

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Essay Database > Literature
I am a peaceful person (unless provoked) And I have been told more than once by different people That I'm one of the most non-judgmental persons they've met and that there is not a drop of hate in me. I'm a sappy idealist, and Lord knows I try to be a good person And everyday I try to be more patient, compassionate, and loving. everyday I try to see how I can act unselfishly. I'm …

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…that life is a wheel. one minute you're up, another minute you're down. I'm a living proof that karma and life changing pattern could take as much as 30 years. understanding X is far beyond what complicated means. it involves swallowing a lot (as in a lot) of every bitter-tasting pride, But I try...and try, and will always try. I do it silently, and nobody has to know, but in my heart, it is there.