Wystan Hugh Auden

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Also known as W. H. Auden Born: February 21, 1907 in York, England Died: September 28, 1973 in Vienna, Austria English-born American poet, critic, essayist, dramatist, editor, translator, and librettist W. H. Auden is one of the finest poets of the twentieth century. His poetry centers on moral issues and verifies strong political, social, and psychological orientations. In his work, Auden applies theoretical and scientific knowledge to traditional verse forms and metrical patterns while incorporating the industrial countryside of …

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…Shared Guiness Poetry Award (Ireland) with Robert Lowell & Edith Sitwell 1959-63 With Jacques Barzun and Lionel Trilling, established the Mid-Century Book Society; wrote occasionally for its periodical, The Mid-Century 1960 Honored on Chicago Poetry Day 1962-73 Honorary Student (Fellow), Christ College, Oxford University 1966 Austrian State Prize for European Literature 1967 National Medal for Literature of National Book Committee for total contributions to literature 1968 Medal of National Institute of Arts and Letters 1973 Dies in Vienna, Austria