Wuthering Heights6

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Two Halves of a Whole Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is a novel full of passion, love and betrayal. It explores the love of two individuals and their influence on their surroundings. The story occurs in a small town. In this area are the two homes of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. The vast contrasts between these houses symbolizes the people who reside their and how these individuals effect the homes. Wuthering Heights is portrayed …

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…people living there. Heathcliff is no longer present and his negative presence has disappeared. Hareton sheds his pessimistic demeanor and becomes a good person. Cathy also comes to reside at Wuthering Heights and adds here positive attributes. When the individuals are pleased, the houses seem like a happy place. Yet, when the dwellers are mean and pessimistic, the homes seem dull and dreary. Thus it is obvious that the residences alter to fit its inhabitants.