Wuthering Heights VS Thrushcross Grange = Storm Vs Calm

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the novel by Emile Bronte, Wuthering Heights, a strong contrast exist between storm and calm. Wuthering Heights and Thrusscross Grange, illustrate this concept, as they are binary opposites in the story, where Wuthering Heights represents storm, and Thrusscross Grangpe represents calm. The physical characteristics of the two places and the people that reside there are the driving forces for this opposition. The name of the residence, Wuthering Heights, in itself shows us how this …

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…into contrast. From the beginning of the story the reader is presented with these two opposite places and slowly sees how the storm of Wuthering Heights takes over the calm of the Grange. The novel is based on this contrast between the two houses. The storm of Wuthering Heights, upon the return of Heathcliff from his hiatus, starts to take over. In the end, however, the calm of Thrushcross Grange prevails and good defeats evil.