Wuthering Heights Social and Physical Barriers

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Essay Database > Literature > English
- In life, individuals are faced with many social and physical barriers that they must choose either to overcome, or let these barriers impede our future. In the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, these physical and social barriers, both prevent and allow true love from either fading or thriving. The actions taken by the characters are mainly motivated by the intense and contradictory emotions of both love and hatred. Catherine is motivated by money as …

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…death. Heathcliff became "love sick" and died only to be with his one true love. He would rather be dead than alive and loving someone who ceased to exist anymore. Passionate, addictive love only flourishes stronger over time and in the case of Heathcliff, turned into an infectious obsession, leading to his death. True love, pure love is everlasting - through social status, distance and even death, it will always persevere to the bitter end.