Wuthering Heights

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Essay Database > Literature
Wuthering Heights <Tab/>Suspense, drama, perfidy, and a never-ending love are all intertwined in the novel Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte. This story was full of twists and turns which made it so interesting. Revenge and a love taken too far are two major issues in Wuthering Heights that plague characters and cause them to suffer greatly. This anecdote seems to come to life, as you read it because it …

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…portray the characters when they were young and then when they were old. But I really enjoyed both very much because of all the back stabbing, hopeless loves, and the twists and turns. This novel would make an excellent soap opera on television because it has all the right elements suspense, betrayal, and lost loves that just fascinates the mind. <Tab/> <Tab/> <Tab/>