Wuthering Heights

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Wuthering Heights, the creation of Emily Jane Bronte, depicts not a fantasy realm or the depths of hell. Rather, the novel focuses on the two main characters' battle with the restrictions of Victorian Society. Societal pressures and restrictive cultural confines exile Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff from the world and then from each other. The story commences in the desolate moors of Yorkshire, home of the estate Wuthering Heights. True to its setting, the novel develops …

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…conformity. As children, Heathcliff and Catherine were chastised for wandering the periphery of society, rejecting the chains of conformity. However, as they grew and attempted to abide by the restrictive rules, they were forced apart and each lived equally unhappy. In the Victorian Era, marriage and the expectations of society jailed the artist and restricted freedom of thought and action. The novel Wuthering Heights reflects the suppressed passion for life experienced by Emily Jane Bronte.