Wuthering Heights- Heathcliff

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Essay Database > Literature > English
What is your understanding of the character of Heathcliff. Is he a man or a monster? The power of love between the two central characters Catherine & Heathcliff; is central to the plot of Wuthering Heights. Although love is the novels main theme, it is also concerned with the emotions and beliefs of jealousy, anger, grief at the loss of Catherine and hope of the possibility of a reunion and consequent life after death. These human …

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…man at the mercy of his weaknesses. For Heathcliff to be a monster, his actions would have to stem from no emotion, and only a pure desire to wreak despair on those around him. But whilst he does not always show his love for characters, Catherine and Mr Earnshaw, it is still indicated in the plot. Whilst we can not excuse his actions, we must concede they are those of a man not a monster.