Write if you think the loch ness monster is real or not. Persuasive Writing

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
What I think of the loch ness monster! What does it mean if a dim-witted person unlike yourself believed in a non-existent creature like the Loch Ness Monster? Should we accept the photographic evidence provided or do you go by the saying "Seeing is believing"? I believe that this creature is a tourist attraction although there have been alleged sightings of this tall tale since about 565 AD. I am going you prove to you that …

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…wasn't a monster in the first place. <Tab/>Therefore, I have come to a conclusion to say that this loch Ness legend does not and did not ever exist, and that I have good grounds for this theory. If you were to right this article what would you think? However, for the romantic in us all, it provides an ideal excuse for a nice weekend away. <Tab/>