Write an essay of not more than 1500 words refering to Great Expectations by Charles dickens and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly, discussing how origins are explored through realist and other conventions.

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Through discussing the works of Dicken's Great Expectations and Shelly's Frankenstein I plan to show that, although on the surface the novels appear to be very differnt, there are a number of similarities to be seen when we explore the character's origins through genre convention. I plan to show how different works, through the narrative, can be shaped by personal and personal influences, by religous traditions, gothic and melodramatic conventions, repetition of myth and of …

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…here. Three are vast amounts of realism in both works, gothic conventions are richly used in Frankenstein. It is a story within a story within a story. In Great Expectations these conventions are used predominately when dealing with Magwitch and Miss Havisham. Other conventions are also widely used to explore the charaters origins. Bibliography: Dickens, Charles (1861) Great Expectations, Oxfords World Classics Shelly, Mary (1818) Frankenstein, Oxfords World Classics Walder, Dennis (2002) The Realist novel The Open university