Write about a movie/film and the significance behind it. I choose Fight Club by David Fincher

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
When does life have no purpose? David Fincher's Fight Club is a narrated movie that explains the journey of the narrator's mid-life crisis; the movie begins with the ending scene, a microscopic view of a gun inside of the narrator's mouth. All of the particles and germs are very visible to give the viewer an idea of what to expect. This scene suggests a dirty, winding, and emotional journey that the narrator will take. The …

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…the background of the movie, the death and how it relates to the climaxes of the story. The Narrator here can overcome Tyler by only one thing, death, and Tyler can overcome The Narrator by death, except his death is to blow up the city. This is the turning point where The Narrator has to take his own course. By shooting himself in the head he symbolically kills the demon controlling his body, Tyler Durden.