Write a speech to your school, stating how your understanding of human experience has changed, in your speech refer to two henry lawson poems and two related texts

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Essay Database > Literature > Poetry
Do you know what human experience is? Human experiences are ones thoughts, activities and events that shape someone in day-to-day life. For example a long distance runner one day has an accident and has to get his leg cut off. They have to change their whole life around to becoming a Para Olympian. This year, Book Week 2004 has based their stories on human experiences with a range of books from children books to seniors and …

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…no doubt that the outcome of this story has been tragic. The issues in this short story are the trials and tribulations of adolescence and peer pressure. Henry Lawson, Allan Baillie and Rachael Perkins's text all relate to the insights into human experience. Book week 2004 encourages you to take full advantage of this opportunity. So have you learnt more about human experiences? Don't forget storytelling in society today is very important. Thanks again for listening.