Write a movie review on Scarface.

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Scarface: The Story of A Man With a Dream "You wanna play rough? Say hello to my little friend!"- Tony Montana, a.k.a. Scarface. "Scarface" was directed by Brian de Palma and starred Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer along with many others. This movie chronicles the life of a Cuban refuge who came to America in May, 1980, when Fidel Castro opened the harbor at Mariel Bay, Cuba, with the apparent intention of letting …

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…with it, as well. It is more than just coincidence when it is played during the time at Mariel Bay, and signifies hope for all criminals. When it is played at the end of the movie, the viewer has witnessed the American Dream from start to finish. When it plays at the end, there is no hope left for anyone, "Scarface" successfully produces the feeling of what it feels like to be a gang lord.