Write a creative writing peice on one of the Wars over the past century, be specific in naming weapons, language etc. No less than 3000 words

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
I'll always remember Sudden. That was the nickname the men had tacked onto the muscled giant that wielded the M60 in my unit. "Sudden" was short for "Sudden Death." And I'll always remember the first time I saw Sudden in action. I was a new, green Lieutenant assigned to Vietnam. Back then, the Army didn't try to develop any esprit de corp; men were rotated frequently before any friendships developed. Consequently, my men were a …

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…little wonder the men had so much respect for the soldier. I studied him for a moment. He sat by himself beneath a tree, carefully cleaning his M60 like a mother washing a baby. He wore a bandage over his right eye and a second on his arm; except for those minor wounds, he had managed to come through the fight uninjured. And he'd shown a green lieutenant and his men what true bravery was.