World war

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Essay Database > History > World History
world war There have been wars ever since civilisation began. History tells us about the crusades, revolutions, civil wars, wars of independence, world wars, cold wars, guerilla wars and wars against terrorism. When borders are disputed, when warlords want more land, when dictators take over, war breaks out. Many wars are fought on different sorts of terrain, on the land, in the air or on the high seas. Wars are fought on religious grounds, over …

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…outer space and sustain a colony there. Can wars be stopped? WWII stopped in the Pacific when nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. If an Army runs out of money, munitions, weapons, food or supplies that's when a war ends. The only way to stop all wars in the future is to blow up the world. Then there won't be anything to fight about. There won't be anyone left to fight.