World War II; How did it happen?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Philosophy
World War II was one of the most catastrophic events in history. Millions of lives were destroyed and it left a lasting imprint in the hearts of every individual alive at that time. It destroyed a vast amount of property including much of Europe and parts of Asia. But what were the causes of this war? What caused so many people to be killed? World War II was a political and economical tragedy that destroyed …

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…and Germany. As the Allies advanced toward Germany in 1944, they came across several concentration camps, where as many as 6 million Jews had been murdered. The Allies freed the prisoners from the camps. World War II was a terrible war. Over 50 million soldiers and civilians died. As a result of the war the United States became the most powerful country in the world. It would be up to the United States to help the world rebuild.