World War II: American International Relations & Foreign Policy

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
World War II was a very significant historical event in terms of American international relations and foreign policy. It thrust the United States into world superpower status and revitalized the morale of a nation that had just been through a substantial economic depression. The war was an instigator for the Cold War and other conflicts, as well. First, I will provide the background content of the war. Second, I will go over the facts, actors, …

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…any means possible, a concept that still rings true today. Our economy after the war was leaps and bounds above anyone else's, making us the humanitarian bank to numerous countries. This also led to the U.S. intervening at the world's behest in overseas conflicts, as evident in Korea and Vietnam in the past and in Iraq today. All in all, the might of the United States was reaffirmed during World War II and beyond.