World War I.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
"Knowledge is power lets take over the world"-Nostajik So many battles, so many wars, and so much bloodshed. The unprecedented amount of casualties, deaths, destruction and cruelty will truely make this century one to remember. With all this negativity a form of positivity was forged from it. We now have a higher technology and better understanding of how to react it certain cases in order to prevent mistakes made int he past. WWI and …

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…colonies. But, problems occured when the other nations were more interested in the ways how territory was to be divided up. The last chapter of world war one was when the Treaty of Versailles was signed. This treaty was signed on June 28, 1919, but it was so devastating to Germany that revenge was almost inevitable. And twenty years later it started as World War Two, with a new danger to the Allies and the world- Hitler.