World War I.

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
World War I World War I, one of the largest and lengthiest wars in written history, enticed many countries around the globe, causing great nations to eagerly participate. Many reasons explain the ignition of the flame of hatred between the European Countries, as well as the resolution between them. The first catalyst of World War I, the Von Schlieffen plan, whose objective engaged in the occupation of France and Russia in eight weeks, originated from …

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…the United States and as a result, after the war, they will get western America back after the war. Another declaration from the Germans led the U.S. even closer to war. The Germans used U-boats, even though it was banned by the U.S. and sunk Ship Illinois on March 18, 1917, which was an American Ship. On April 2, 1917 Wilson stood up before congress and asked to go to war. They approved and went to war.