World War I- The Great War- Who and What Caused It?

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Essay Database > History > European History
With dead bodies strewn about, and memories of gruesome battles still fresh in their minds, Europe wondered: Who caused this war? With the Triple Entente victorious over the Triple Alliance, and Germany being the most aggressive member of the Alliance, British, French, and Russian fingers all pointed to Germany, pinning upon them responsibility for the war, and demanding compensation for all loss and damage. They made this official in the Treaty of Versailles, which states …

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…war, and an enraged Europe sought to point fingers and hold someone responsible. All fingers pointed to Germany, very unfairly, for there were many causes of war- nationalism and alliance systems being the most importance of which. As a wise man once said, "Two wrongs do not make a right" and these two wrongs (severe nationalism and alliance systems) definitely did not make a right- instead it made a tragic war in which millions died.