World War 1, Weapons and Strat

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Essay Database > History
Important Weapons and Stratagies of World War 1 World war was was indeed unlike any other war. Unique stratagies and new technology made this war what it was, a slow moving advancement and retreat for a period of 4 years. Important tactics and sweeps such as the Schliefen Plan, Plan 17 and use of gases played the most important role in shaping the outcome, advancment and use of weapons in the war. One of the biggest weapon advancements …

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…when the terrain was appropriate. At he managed to persuade General to use 412 tanks followed by soldiers and supported by over 1,000 aircraft. The strategy worked and the managed to breakthrough the German frontline. New inventions and developed tactics made this war frightning. 8,538,315 people died in the war due to such weapons of mass destruction. It seems that as long as power and greed are in the world with bright young minds, no one is safe