World War 1: Total War

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Essay Database > History
World War I: Total War The World War I is not the only name given to this tremendously long and forceful war. The other name is the Total War. It all began in the first days of August 1914. Emperor William II reassured the Germans that it would be a short war. But to his dismay, the "Total War", was indeed a lasting war. It started in August 1914 and ended in the fall of 1918. Wars before …

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…first communist dictatorship. In some other countries the governmental authority permitted national minorities in these states to seek independence. After the war there were financial needs, which forced the government to borrow money. The United States came out from the war as the greatest creditor nation and there were some other economic changes too. Another cost in the war is that the injured and crippled had to be treated, rehabilitated, and paid pensions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**