World Religions: Buddhism

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
"I teach about suffering and the way to end it" Buddha World Religions: Buddhism In last week paper we discussed about Hinduism, in this paper we will discuss Buddhism. Buddhism is the fourth largest religion surpassed only by Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. One of the main differences between Buddhism and Hinduism is that in the late one there is an strict lifelong caste classification system. The teachings of Buddha rejected the caste social class classification. …

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…B'Awakened%2BOne'%26lr%3D&sig=sA3U6zWsZiJxT3uklcwd6BtxyEI (2005) "Buddhism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" <Tab/> This page was last modified 06:23, November 25, 2005. <Tab/>Retrieved December 1, 2005, from Wikimedia Foundation, <Tab/>Inc Web Site: <Tab/> "Metareligion: Buddhism" Retrieved December 1, 2005, from