World Population

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Essay Database > History
Since the beginning of modern civilization human population has been growing at a steady rate. The advancements that humans have made have increased life expectancy greatly. Now humans can live longer because of improved health, higher resistance and immunity to diseases and new medical techniques. There is an estimated 135 people in the world over 100 years of age and that number is expect to increase 16 times by 2050. Although this shows our achievements it also shows a …

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…it has been identified. The global average fertility level is now at 2.7 births per woman, which compared to the early l950s, when the average number was 5 births per woman, is much better. Fertility is now declining in all regions of the world. For example, during the last 25 years, the number of children per couple has fallen from 6.6 to 5.l in Africa, from 5.1 to 2.6 in Asia, and from 5.0 to 2.7 in Latin America and the Caribbean.