World Migration

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Pages: 19
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
It has been some years since foreign laborers were in common in Japan. Recently, we can see the foreign laborers everywhere in Japan. While foreign laborers have been increasing, the number of people going abroad has been increasing year by year. And it comes to be very common to go abroad on vacation or business. Now the number of people going abroad in a year is more than 10 million people.(1) Though the foreign laborer is …

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…other races. I think this is the biggest cause of bad treatments for foreigners. However, we can not say only such an excuse. Because the world is changing rapidly, we have to associate with many people from various countries. Now many Japanese go to abroad to study languages, or cultures. I want them to learn the attitude for migrants in each country. I think it is the nearest way to solve the problems of migrants.