World Issues as discussed by Lani Guinier, Malcolm Gladwell, and Eric Schlosser.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Nick Stryker Expository Writing Bill Mabe November 11, 2002 Final Draft Paper 5 In "The Power of Context," Malcolm Gladwell explains how situations influence the behavior of human beings. In the essay "Second Proms and Second Primaries," Lani Guinier discusses some of the causes of low voter turnout among the black population in Phillips County, Arkansas. Finally Eric Schlosser, in the essay entitled "Global Realization," offers a ranging explanation of McDonalds' expanding global reach. Gladwell would explain the …

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…larger problem; such as many small situations all contributing the one singular large problem. Only by solving those smaller situations would one be able to solve the larger single problem. In both the low voter turnout in Phillips County Arkansas and obesity in the United States; by eliminating the smaller situations such as, lack of transportation and communication also the fast food restaurants and T.V., was the larger single problem able to be eliminated.