World Issues: Media Review

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Bruce Crumley, 'Caught Up In A Circle Of Hate', Time Inc. Publishing, Paris, Sunday, July 18, 2004. The article's target audience is French Jewish individuals due to their frequent exposure to anti-Semitism and racism in France. The purpose of this material is to help France understand that the outburst of racist and anti-Semitic acts is a reality and must not be concealed. Consequently, it is a reality France must fight. The material is developed topically, relating to …

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…violence everyday. That is why their approach is vastly different from French Jews. They channel their anger into outright anti-Semitism because they have grown accustomed to such behaviour. Even here in Canada, where we believe that everyone is treated with fairness and equality, the existence of Anti-Semitism is undeniable. In my opinion, I do not think that will ever change because it's deeply routed in many cultures and Canada is the land of many cultures.