Workplace conflict

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Introduction: Conflict is an inevitable part of our workday life as different values and points of view can create tension among peers. Conflict is defined as the disagreement among two or more individuals, groups, or organizations. This disagreement may be relatively superficial or very strong (Ventrice, 2000) . It may be short-lived or exist for months or even years, and it may be work-related or personal. In the Chinese society, traditional culture makes the people trying to …

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…conflict. It's better to maintain a little emotional distance, and work through the six steps for resolving conflict. However, this approach will not satisfy the needs you have to make your workplace a productive and pleasant environment. By better understanding how conflict arise, and practicing handling such conflict in an assertive way, it can become far less intimidating and be an aspect of work you can learn to manage rather than have it manage you.