Workplace Violence Prevention

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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Workplace and Violence are two words that until recently were never associated with one another, however, when these words come together they strike terror in the lives of the people that are affected by them. When we think of the workplace, we think of a safe environment where we go to make careers for ourselves, and to improve our life styles for our families and ourselves. When we hear the word violence, images pop up …

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…not nipped in the bud soon, it will be an issue for years to come. Either workplace violence becomes recognized or it will continue to materialize, when we least expect it. Reference Documents U.S. Department of Justice (1996), Workplace Violence, 1992-96, Retrieved on 11/29/2003, from Magellan Assist (2003), Spotting the Warning Signs of Workplace Violence, Retrieved on 11/29/2003, from