Work Activity Analysis Job Title: Chiropractor

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Mental Health
Is a medical profession that base it's treatment on philosophical system of mechanical therapeutics disease to vertebral subluxation, it treats disease with manipulation of the vertebral in order to release pressure on the nerves at the inter- vertebral forama. It enables impulses to flow freely from the brain to all parts of the body. It also uses orthodox methods of medical management. It's duties include screening and evaluation of it's clients, providing treatment to clients, …

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…In average, I may consider it medium. Thirty minutes per client will be an acceptable speed. This occupation requires physical skills ability to transfer injured clients from one position to other. The following is the percentage of person work day: sitting -fifty percent, standing- thirty percent, lifting- five percent, bending- two percent, and others thirteen percent. The workers use repetitive motion like massage and they are expose to fluorescent, heater, no dust and no fumes.