Woodstock Report. Term paper

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Pages: 14
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
WOODSTOCK <Tab/>Woodstock was one of the most amazing and interesting to happen in a small town in upstate New York. At the time Woodstock just happened. People organized it, but what actually happened no one expected. People have tried to imitate Woodstock but because of the state that the world is in, it has never and unless things drastically change, will never happen again. Woodstock is bound to the revolutionary …

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…to capitalism The message of what happened in '69 is still with people, a message that shows peace and love, something that would ensure equality among everyone. <Tab/> Bibliography http://www.gfsnet.org/msweb/sixties/kiriwoodstock.htm www.woodstock69.com Smart, P. Rock and Woodstock Barefoot in Babylon by Robert Stephen Spitz Woodstock the oral history by Joel Makower http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/whos_who_level2/armstrong.html