Woodlice in general in NZ

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
One of the main species of woodlice found in New Zealand is "Porcellio scaber". This species must have arrived here along with the European settlers during the colonization. Woodlice are mainly found in damp dark areas for example under rotting wood, in compost heaps and under rocks. All woodlice consist of 3 sections which are fused together. They also have seven pairs of legs. Woodlice have evolved from the aquatic crustaceans. They belong to the subphylum …

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…of the group will have a lower humidity gradient and therefore loose water vapor at a much reduced rate when compared with an isolated woodlouse. Even the woodlice on the outside of the group will loose water vapor at a lower rate compared with an isolated woodlouse. Hence clumping is a behavioral adaptation to reduce water loss. It might be expected that woodlice would be more likely to show clumping behavior in less humid conditions.