Womens' roles in Greek tradgedies

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Essay Database > Literature
Women's roles in Greek tragedies are being selfish and troublesome characters whose only reason in the stories is to stir up bad situations. Women do nothing but suffer from misery and misfortune and because of their selfishness they bring others down with them. In almost all Greek tragedies men are the protagonists and the women are either the antagonist or the one that causes their husband's grief. The main woman in Greek tragedies is Helen …

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…different things that were selfish, they did all result in the bringing down of someone else. Medea brought the end of Jason's children by her own hands, Iocaste inadvertently brought the end to Oedipus, and the same with Antigone and how she caused Haimon's death. Now to sum it up a women's role is to be selfish and troublesome like Iocaste, Antigone, and Medea and whose only point is to stir up problems and trouble.