Women's Weekly Magazines Their Suitability for advertising purposes UK

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
List of Contents Title Page Page 1 Women's Weekly Magazines- A summary Page 3 Women's Weekly Magazines - A guide Introduction Page 4 Women's Weeklies - Who Reads them? Page 5 Women's Weeklies - Who Advertises in them? Page 6 Women's Weeklies - Strategic Overview Page 7 Women's Weeklies - Conclusions and Suggestions Page 8 Bibliography and List Of Resources Page 9 magazines.Women's Weekly Magazines- A summary After researching the women's weekly industry I have found that most readers are aged between 25…

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…often worry frantically about their children and families health and diet. Companies such as Holland and Barrett and similar firms could target these women very easily, and I believe with great success. In my opinion Women's Weeklies are suitable for advertising Low to Mid Price ranged beauty products and cosmetics, Family Foods, Supermarkets and stores, Family Health Products, Womens Sanitary Products, Public Messages and Stair lift products, or products to aid the older family member.