Womens Rights
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
True Judaism is in complete contrast to acceptance of abortion. The support for abortion that American Jewry's majority gives is a denial of all in Judaism that we claim to teach and value.
Situations in which the Talmud permits abortions are exceedingly rare today. We Jews should be at the forefront of the pro-life battle. We must make the miracle of Hanukkah happen again. That miracle was the victory of love over hate, truth
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life is thought to depend upon the viewpoint and needs of the observer rather than the needs of the life in question, then there is no recognition of a universal law. We accept that we must not allow any unnecessary killing of what is holy. In the Kaddish, our declaration of faithfulness to God, and of humble resignation to His will, and our view of human life, even in times of mourning, are unmistakably clear.
life is thought to depend upon the viewpoint and needs of the observer rather than the needs of the life in question, then there is no recognition of a universal law. We accept that we must not allow any unnecessary killing of what is holy. In the Kaddish, our declaration of faithfulness to God, and of humble resignation to His will, and our view of human life, even in times of mourning, are unmistakably clear.