Women's Changing Roles from 1865 - 1920

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Essay Database > Society & Culture
The role women play in our society is an ever-changing one, from mother to lawyer and doctor and everywhere in between. With increasing demands on them to be the one to keep families grounded and together in a turbulent society that thinks none to highly of them or their rights as citizens. I chose to focus on womens changing roles during the time period from 1865 through 1920. The reason I chose this period in history was …

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…s, a new woman was born. She smoked, drank, danced, and voted. She cut her hair, wore make-up, and went to petting parties. She was giddy and took risks; this was the woman that was born out of the struggles of women like those mentioned above; women like Elizabeth Stanton and Lucy Parsons. These women were better off then their predecessors thanks to revolutionary thinkers that believed women were equal to men if not superior.