Women versus men's difference.

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Women versus men's difference In life, in general we unconsciously play the roles we view ourselves as male or female and we tend to play the role that others expect us from the time that we were children. I remember my parents were expecting me as a boy, because they had two daughters already and they really wanted a boy. So I acted less girlish. Then as I grew up, I realized my role as …

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…independent because women are as strong as men like Truth said. And women should learn to be independent for it is true happiness like Wollstonecraft said. And women are equally intelligent otherwise why do men give them the responsibility of raising children and governing a family as Wollstonecraft points out. Men also can help to be responsible for family and children because they posses the ability to nurture as Ehrlich points out in her essay.