Women of Early Canada

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Essay Database > History
The female immigrants of New France were categorized into two groups. The first group were the religious figures that came to enhance the religious aspects of new settlers. These women began to arrive in 1639 and continued on into the 18th century. The second group were the devotes and the filles du roi, brought over to marry the settlers and increase the population of the newly developing nation. They arrived in New France between 1663 to 1673. The …

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…society in New France offer ample evidence that women did indeed enjoy an exceptionally privileged position in that colony." 14 It is these privileges that helped to shape not only the women of New France, but also a variety of aspects of colonial life. Due to the factors of demography, colonial economy, and the ancien regime, for the first time women were given opportunities to expand their positions, and find a more rewarding place in society.